Employment opportunities available throughout Kewaunee County, WI as curated by KCEDC on Wednesday, March 1, 2023
Kewaunee County jobs listed here based on what KCEDC has curated on March 1, 2023. KCEDC cannot guarantee the accuracy of any job posting. Please contact the respective company for more information. #WorkforceWednesday
- City of Algoma Police Department, Algoma, WI: Police eligibility list
- D&S Machine, Luxemburg, WI: Welders and Machinists
- Hotel Stebbins, Algoma, WI: Line Cooks
- Jorns Chevrolet, Kewaunee: Service/Lube Tecnnician
- Kewaunee Solutions, Kewaunee, WI: Subcontracts Manager
- Kwik Trip, Luxemburg, WI: Assistant Store Manager
- Luxemburg-Casco School District, Luxemburg, WI: Speech Language Pathologist
- Olson Fabrication, Algoma, WI: Multiple positions
- Team Clean, Kewaunee, WI: Part-time Cleaning Technician
- UW Extension Kewaunee Co: Regional Crops Educator
If you are located in Kewaunee County and your company or organization has a job opening you would like published here, send an email with a link to your job posting.